Mgr. Jana Mazurová

Clinical Psychologist

Mgr. Jana Mazurová

I studied Psychology at the Faculty of Arts in Prague. During my internship I gained experience at the Diagnostic Institute for Youth and in the Special Education Centre for Children with Mental Disabilities. For 11 years I worked as a school psychologist, methodologist and supervisor. For 10 years I worked in the role of a therapist in the Sananim Aftercare Centre in a program for mothers with children and as a psychologist in a paediatric outpatient clinic. I have also been involved in teaching activities in communication, conflict resolution, personal development, employee motivation, teamwork, stress management and burnout prevention. In addition, I worked as a lecturer at a qualification course for teaching assistants. At present, I am working as a crisis line consultant, offer private psychological consultations and provide counselling services at a primary and special school. I also provide individual and team supervision.

Furthermore, I have received psychotherapeutic training, training in crisis and telephone crisis intervention and have attended many other professional seminars and courses focused on children and adolescents. I am an accredited psychologist in health care and since 2011 I have been an accredited supervisor and coach with membership of the European Association for Supervision and Coaching, the Czech-Moravian Institute for Supervision and Coaching and the Association of Supervisors in Education. As an author I have also participated in writing the publication - Kapitoly školní psychologie (Chapters of school psychology). 
